Cyber-experts warn of phishing scams touting livestreaming of Paris Olympics An online security firm is warning that scammers are luring people to fake livestreaming websites for Paris Olympic events, in order to trick them into giving away their personal information.

NHK has learned from NTT Data Group that Japanese and other fake websites have been cropping up since around July 24, claiming to offer free livestreaming of the opening ceremony and the events at the Olympics.

When the play button is clicked, a message pops up, asking the viewer to create an account by inputting credit card and other personal information. Viewers who comply will only find out later that no live content is available.

NTT Data says the scammers use social media postings to direct people to the phishing websites.

Postings on X before and after the women’s soccer match between Japan and Brazil on Sunday had links to the fake livestreaming sites.

Many similar phishing websites have been found in past Olympics, including Tokyo in 2021.

NTT Data Group official Arai Yu says the scammers post spoof messages deliberately targeting the hours when Olympic events draw the greatest interest.

Arai says people should be on the guard against messages that tout “free” services.

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