Donut Shop Worker Refuses to Be on Camera with JD Vance During Campaign Stop


  1. JD Vance: I’m gonna be vice president

    Worker: Sir, this is a La-Z-Boy, can I help you?

  2. I saw that video earlier. Was that video made the campaign, and if so, why would they release it?

  3. He is so naturally charismatic. Gives off Nathan Fielder running for vice president vibes.

  4. Spare_Substance5003 on

    She knew exactly who he is. She wanted no part of the furniture molester show.

  5. She was probably made uncomfortable by way he way adjusting his belt while gazing at the holes in the doughnuts

  6. BlackEastwood on

    Shouldn’t have picked a hostile donut shop.

    Shouldn’t have let JD go in there and wing it.

    Shouldn’t have released the footage.

    A fuck up all around.

  7. And after she says she doesn’t want to be on camera, the camera person still includes her. What rude people!

  8. “I see some plains. Some sprinkle things. Just give me whatever makes sense. Okay. Good.”

    Dude has like CHA 4 or 5, barely able to function in literally any interpersonal interaction. What a weirdo.

  9. sleepingbeardune on

    He has one question, the answer to which means nothing to him.

    How long have you worked here?

    It’s like asking a group of pre-schoolers how old they are. Oh, 3? Okay. And you? 3. Okay. How about you? Also 3. Cool.

    What an utter dope.

  10. Do these guys not realize the Vance is a nobody? Even most Trump supporters probably wouldn’t find it interesting to meet him.

  11. The weirdest part was when he said “You don’t happen to have a sectional in the back, or perhaps a lazy boy, do you?”

  12. Good for them. I wouldn’t pose for a photo with a political leader I didn’t align with either, whether republican or democrat.

  13. fistofthefuture on

    >”Just give me whatever makes sense.”

    A perfectly normal way to order food. /s

  14. fluffy_hamsterr on

    Was this live and they couldn’t scrub it from the Internet fast enough or something?

    Who watches this and is like “yes, this is a good look for our definitely normal and human candidate who may or may not be a sectional deviant”

  15. “I’m JD Vance, I’m running for vice president, nice to see you.”

    “…Okay. Please don’t fuck the donuts.”

  16. TheLawTalkinGuy on

    Hello fellow humans! I’ll take a dozen of these sugar food rings. Just give me whatever makes sense! Thank you!

  17. PrinceofSneks on

    I can’t understand – I’ve seen almost any national political figure easily set up a PR visit like this, and have at least friendly enthusiasm, even if they weren’t necessarily supporters – because, hey, VP candidate!

    But it has to be his miasma of mucus that puts them off.

  18. He’s just so goddamn cool. Effortless, must have been what James Dean was like when he ordered his crew some ‘nuts.

  19. Acrobatic_Ear6773 on

    Ok, so I am not, you know, a paid political advisor for a US Presidential Campaign, but I *DID* do a few short videos about local volunteer opportunites for a Girl Scout Project in the 90s.

    What I learned, with a camcorder that I had to sign out from the HS AV Club, was that when you’re trying to film people at work, you have to first gauge their approval and interest, and you need to make sure that the “Star” or “talent” of your video is able to relate to the person at the business.

    Now, I’m not saying that the Trump campaign is doing a *worse* job than my High School Girl Scout video project but.. yeah. I kinda am.

  20. The way he said “I’m running for vice president.” is the same way my niece says “I’m going to be a ballerina.”

  21. blogasdraugas on

    Dude is asking people questions like how long they’ve been working there and it feels weird. Like is he going to try get them fired? Is obergruppenführer taking human inventory the new reich?