Landlord who tried to evict pensioner (92) claims she’s ‘a diddery aul wan’ who should be in nursing home
Posted by DecrepitDonkey
Just shows how our of touch he is that he thinks this point works in his favour.
C u n t
How do you fuck up saying “I think it would be better for her own health and safety if she was in a facility with professionals to help her out day to day”
It’s so depressing that he runs an entire estate agency. I doubt this is the first time he’s treated a tenant like shit.
God forbid someone like this were to exit the market, perish the thought!
What a bollocks.
I hope that pensioner lives to 120 Jeanne Calment style just to spite that landlord
Strong Michael O’Leary wannabe energy from this one
I was expecting that to be Waterford Whispers
What the fuck
You ever see that bit in Full Metal Jacket when Pile gets the shit beat out of him by a load of fellas with bars of soap in a sock? That just popped into my head. Probably unrelated.
“*oh you caney push yer granny off a bus, oh you caney push yer granny off a bus, oh you can push yer granny, cause she’s yer mammies mammie, oh you caney push yer granny off a bus*”
This guy totally would.
Future Fine Gael leadership material.
Saying this shit out loud gives you an idea of his character.
It would be fun if they got him in a cell and charged rent.
And he’s a greedy cunt who should be in prison.
Ah yeah, he looks exactly like I thought he would when I read about it first.
A brave man in a sea of socialist madness. Be kind to your landlord, for he has been kind to you by allowing you to live in his humble abode. The government needs to implement more tax cuts and defund the ridiculous RTB, which functions more like an anti-landlord Gestapo.