I had to get my calculator out to redo my maths to be sure 😂


Posted by EddieEliabethHltler


  1. I also had to use the calculator just to make sure. What kind of daylight robbery is this??

  2. In the sign’s defence it isn’t actually claiming to be a bargain just that buying two will cost you £35. If you want to save a £1 then you have to make two separate purchases!

  3. grapplinggigahertz on

    People focusing on the rip off of the £1 extra to buy two, and not the real rip off is that the individual price of that T shirt is £17…

  4. I saw M&S claim their big packet of strawbs is “bigger pack, better value” when the £/kg was genuinely worse than the smaller pack. 

    Same standard of strawb. Naughty.

  5. I’m pretty sure it’d be illegal to actually charge the £35.

    So I assume that’s what they’re doing.