Alexander has been replaced with Toshe from the previous picture. In the voting Toshe had more votes and rightly some people protested that he was not placed. Since the point is to vote, I will put what will win the most votes. It was a cross between baked beans and ajvar, but baked beans had a little more.

Posted by MissileMan1999


  1. Smile_in_the_mirror on

    Како може еден пејач да е популарен или повеќе познат од Александар Македонски незнам…

  2. As of today definitely: Мавровка и околината


  3. Потешко нешто не можеше ли? 😁

    Мислам дека тоа се некои најзагадени места. Затоа ќе кажам Тетово. Друго не ми текнува.