Ukrainian MIG-29 firing a French AASM Hammer guided bomb into a Russian underground command center in Kursk region. Video posted by the Commander of the AFU Air Force Mykola Oleshchuk.

Posted by roli0001


  1. xDolphinMeatx on

    Soviets were very big on underground everything, everywhere, all the time. Thats why for example, large Soviet factories like that steel plant in Mariupol where Azov retreated to, have basically a nuclear attack proof city underneath. That stuff is everywhere Soviets were and common.

    Same happened again in Afghanistan – the Taliban was hiding everywhere in massive Soviet built cave complexes like in Tora Bora… the US bombed the shit out of that place for a long time with absolutely no effect other than the burst ear drums and sleep deprivation of Taliban fighters.

  2. Mother-Hair6096 on

    Ayooo, we’ve been seeing a great amount of AASM footage.
    Is ruzzian AD so bad everywhere that Ukraine is capable of doing such close-range strikes even in Kursk?

  3. _captainunderpants__ on

    Can anyone tell me why he rolls inverted after releasing the munition? Is he just watching it go in?

  4. Independent-Debt9481 on

    Haha, looked a little unimpressive at first, but then I understood what the fuss was about!