99-year-old former concentration camp secretary sentenced for complicity in murder in 10,505 cases and attempted murder in 5 cases. The case is considered to be possibly the last trial regarding the Nazi mass murders.


Posted by theDelus


  1. I wonder who the world will be chasing and hunting down to try for the next next 80 years for actively pursuing genocide, indiscriminate killing and mass murder?

  2. ruskikorablidinauj on

    Germans did not rush justice to their beloved kamerad criminals. Austrians ignored justice completely. Fascism is doing well in both countries just nicely hidden from public view.

  3. These cases help to keep the memory alive, some new generations already are totally ignorant and like socialism and neonationalism again – want to try the old failed horrible things again. People can be morons unfortunately.

  4. The trial today is to rule out, if a 20 year old writing secretary who was hired and placed in a KZ can be guilty of murder in 10.000 cases at all.