“We don’t want to be like America, we don’t want to have the vicious politics of Americans".



  1. COALition supports logging, so logging an entire forest is ok but a single tree is act of vandalism?

    This is a perfect analogy of Tony Abbott legacy.

  2. The quote is attributed to Mark Greenhill the mayor of the location of the tree.

    It would be particularly rich if it was a quote from Abbot as he continues to try his little black heart out to import the vicious politics of America.

  3. Disgusting the way some people treat our beautiful trees. I mean it never asked to honour Tony Abbot.

  4. It would be a real shame if everyone visiting the tree in future sprinkled a teaspoon of salt on the base of it with their back to the cctv. 

  5. Maybe they should try planting a native tree, people might be less inclined to be cunts about it.

  6. Wow.

    Genuinely surprised there are so many cunts on Reddit.

    You don’t like Tony Abbott? Good for you.

    This tree didn’t deserve to be vandalised because it was “honouring” him.

    We’ve got a huge problem with the vandalising of greenery going on, which Reddit typically rallies against. But this one gets a pass because this tree is tenuously linked to a politician you don’t like. Get fucked.

  7. Hate mr onions all you want but don’t take it out on his tree. Simply remove the plaque and change the Wikipedia entry.

  8. Let’s form an orderly queue please. Axes available on the left. One at a time please!

  9. Lol “extremely rare” thing that happened a second time already. You can stop blaming America, that’s some homegrown political unrest. Shifting the blame instead of addressing the “root” cause will only let it fester.

  10. False-Rub-3087 on

    Once went to this hotel in NSW and above the counter was all this Catholic paraphernalia and in amongst there was a picture of Abbott surrounded by flowers. I mean it was a nice hotel but that was a bit bonkers

  11. girlymancrush on

    That Mayor keeps pissing taxpayers’ money away… ffs he’s super keen for Tony’s wood.

  12. Vicious politics … Tony Abbott…. Oh the irony… I think at least. Or it’s just funny.

  13. “”When I look out tonight at an audience of people who work with timber, who work in forests, I don’t see people who are environmental vandals; I see people who are the ultimate conservationists.””

    – Tony Abbott, March 5th, 2014