Trump’s unsettling new question: ‘Why are we having an election?’


  1. “Trump said polls suggested he was at “93 percent” although it was not clear what that number was referring to. The former president said he responded by saying: “So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?”

  2. Conservatives: please don’t boycott the election based on this phrase. I, and many other Democrats, would feel hopelessly owned if you didn’t vote.

  3. ranchoparksteve on

    For it to make any sense, Trump would have to believe the primaries haven’t happened yet.

  4. Shows how unwell he is.

    Not having an election helps….wait for it…..Biden.

    They need to intervene with Trump. He’s going to do something that puts this country in imminent danger.

  5. Fak-Engineering-1069 on

    Yup why are we having an election. Hey Republicans we need to stop playin democracy game. Republicans shouldn’t go to vote. Stop playing their game republicans

  6. CorvidCuriosity on

    You know what. If he doesn’t want an election to happen, I’m actually fine with that.

    Biden is currently in power, he has another 4 years to go, but he steps down, and the VP takes over.

    He’s not really thinking this through…

  7. MySweetLordBuckley on

    **54% of Americans can’t read above a 6th grade level.** This is how he talks to the goons that comprise his base. His campaign knows they are adoslescent minds occupying adult bodies and Trump wants to make them feel something is being stolen from them.

    His cult followers think people who are not like them should not be eligible to vote; the fact that they can, means the election will be stolen. That’s what they mean by a “stolen election,” the wrong people are allowed to vote.

  8. I agree with Trump – elections are silly and pointless. I call upon all of his supporters to listen to their leader and boycott this foolish election!

  9. >“You know, they do polls on this stuff, and I’m at like 93%,” [Trump said](, referring to surveys that apparently exist in his imagination. “I said, ‘So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?’”

    Okay. I see what he’s doing.

    He’s programming his cult that Biden was usurped without election, so whatever Trump does in January will serve Democrats right. To a Trump supporter, whataboutism is the highest form of logic.

    In MAGAland, Joe Biden stole the Presidency and now Kamala stole it from him all with the help of Nancy Pelosi and trans people or something

  10. The man is clearly showing signs of cognitive decline. A vote for him is a vote for lunacy.

  11. Effective-Stand-2782 on

    The real problem is the media and the people fall for his outrageous comments and he gets publicity. It is the best way to distract from the positive momentum of the democrats.

  12. OppositeDifference on

    >“You know, they do polls on this stuff, and I’m at like 93%,” Trump said, referring to surveys that apparently exist in his imagination. “I said, ‘So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?’”

    I feel like MSNBC is missing the point here. It isn’t about him asking why we’re having an election. He obviously means it in terms of “I’m so far ahead it’s a foregone conclusion”

    The lede here is that he’s priming his cult to be outraged if he loses. He’s trying to set the expectation with them that he’s going to win in a landslide. He knows he’s not going to, but he wants a certain percentage of his followers to be furious when he doesn’t. They’ll be the stupidest percent, to believe those numbers, but that’s exactly the type he’s targeting.

    Do SMART people storm the capitol or engage in armed anti-government riots? Would a clever person try to take down a reaper drone with an AR-15? No, of course not. But he wants them to be angry enough to try, so he can use them.

  13. I think the senile old fool was referring to the primaries but he already won the Republican nomination so why he’s bringing that up is anyone’s guess.

  14. cyberattaq123 on

    Yeah cause that’s a totally normal thing for a presidential nominee to be saying a few months before the election.

    He’s so obviously losing it at a level even I didn’t understand. Like why ever say something like this out loud it looks absolutely terrible to independent/undecided voters and does not help paired with the ‘I’ll be a dictator on day 1 only’ comments.

  15. He’s confusing the primaries with the general election. He has no understanding of political parties or elections anymore, if he ever had any.

  16. Could the 24-hour news cycle just devote one day to his mental unwellness? Try it out, see how it feels. They can go back to giving him zero scrutiny the rest of the election cycle, but just try. This is clearly something very concerning.

  17. Honestly 93% sounds like it came from a low n poll.

    “Why are they saying she’s gaining traction? they are stealing the election “

    “Sir, this poll we did shows you winning.”

    “See here’s one! How goodly is that poll?”

    “It’s 93% confident”

    And from there we go onto his bs

  18. This is an example of, “when he tells you who he really is, believe him.”

    This man will foment another riot.

  19. RepulsiveRooster1153 on

    __It’s a known fact that republicans dislike educated voters.__ So to _ensure stupidity they de-prioritize education and free thinking._ You must follow the christian conservative babble they profess to believe in while fleecing the public. Then vote for [trump](