Liberal Party pulls out of Capital Pride parade over pro-Palestinian statement


  1. AdditionalServe3175 on

    Sutfliffe’s statement is still the best take on this situation: “Pride has always been and should continue to be a celebration of diversity and inclusion where no one feels excluded for who they are.”

    Pride has to be about inclusion. In a time when the “T” rights are particularly under attack, now is the time that we need to rally around and support people. Pride should not be coopted by other causes, however noble.

    There are pro-Palestinian events every week. Why do they need to take over Pride events too?

  2. I hate that I feel like I have to choose a side between Jews, Palestinians, and LGBT+ groups. Shouldn’t we be fighting the systems and biases that allow these divisions to occur rather than allowing ourselves to be divided and conquered as historically marginalized groups?

  3. Israeli pink washing is very real. I was studying it in university a decade ago. The Liberals once again show just how feckless and weak they are on the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. 

  4. -GregTheGreat- on

    Pro-Palestinian advocates are often their own worst enemy. They’re often alienating the very people who should be (and typically are) sympathetic for the plight of the Palestinian people

  5. “The wave of backlash began after Capital Pride issued a statement on Aug. 6 expressing solidarity with Palestinians…” makes sense

    “…and accusing the Israeli government for “pinkwashing” the ongoing Israel-Hamas war by citing its LGBTQ2S+ inclusivity in an effort to “draw attention away” from its actions in Gaza. ” now comes the idiotic part. LGBTQ right means LGBTQ right, period. It’s literally the only place not hostile to sexual minorities in middle east. Just because Palestine and the people there are so backward minded doesn’t take away the progress Israel has made.

    You don’t have to deny that Palestine is phobic to all sexual minorities and Israel is very friendly to them in order to support Palestine against Israel invasion.

  6. I’m really glad Pride has managed to disengage itself from all its adversaries like the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the Liberal Party of Canada so it could forge new, tight alliances with its natural allies, the Mullahs of Iran and Yahya Sinwar.

  7. By your logic, why should anyone support Ukraine? The population is very homophobic.

    If a society has intolerant views, it doesn’t give anyone the right to slaughter them wholesale, nor does it give us the right to support their oppressor. Last I checked, no one really accuses children/toddlers/infants of being homophobic. Capital pride hit the nail on the head by calling out a rogue state committing mass murder, and its accomplices (Canada and the US) are lashing out at them for it. It’s damn shameful