Namely, I would like to hear the opinion of others about these shortcuts in the green and grassy areas between the streets. I moved to Tallinn last year and was shocked how the ugly, self-created footpaths that typically belong to rural life have conquered the entire city. I would keep in mind and would be interested in the opinion of foreigners about them. Aren’t we giving the impression of the 19th century to people here and abroad? How many multi-million dollar investments have these shortcuts scared away? For me, it is a sign of shame for our people and laziness to move around on asphalt or pavement. Maybe someone knows if the city takes or has thought about doing something about uncivilized traffic lanes?

Posted by forthesakeofpeace


  1. Former-Philosophy259 on

    mis lolli juttu sa ajad? desire paths on teada fenomen, ja kui see midagi üldse näitab siis seda et linn peaks need kohad kuhu need tekivad lihtsalt ära sillutama ja korralikuks kõniteeks tegema. need teed tekivad siis kui kõnniteed on inimeste liikumisvajaduste jaoks ebaoptimaalselt ehitatud. inimesed ei liigu 90° nurkadega, inimesed ei taha käia suure ringiga kui otse saab ka.