Former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock says she’ll vote for Kamala Harris


  1. We should be clapping for a GOPer who won’t vote for rapist felon insurrectionist pathological liar?

  2. Northern Virginia. LOTS of federal employees. This is self-protection above all, but at least she does show that much awareness.

  3. “Repeal my great-great-grandfather’s act!” she added.

    (She didn’t, but it would be a funny line.)

  4. Every cynical statement here is absolutely correct. And this is exactly what we wanted all along so, let’s publicly put the cynicism aside and welcome the support. Look, we all know that addictions are hard and sometimes it takes hitting bottom before people act. Let’s applaud them for finally getting out. Their actions may create a permission system for more to do the same thing. Let’s take the win and move on to the next one until the fever is broken.