Northern Ireland is in its terminal phase. This place never made any ethical or economic sense

Posted by Zealousideal-Fly6908


  1. The only time some economic sense may be had is with a big EU package of funds to take it on and upgrade infrastructure etc.

  2. I’m from Cork city and was up in Derry for the first time a few months ago.

    There is similarities between the 2 cities with the river dominating it and all the hills. Nice city, I’ll be back.

  3. marquess_rostrevor on

    >and today, it is being sucked dry by this same connection: by the overwhelming Belfast-centrism of Northern Ireland’s economic and political life.

    Wait until you hear about what happens in the other 26 counties!

    It’s a vaguely interesting op-ed piece, and I would totally agree on the university thing. But the rest of it unfortunately reads like a student essay, not a serious piece that will change any minds.

  4. Been going to Derry since 1989 and it’s a brilliant spot simply cos the locals are so friendly. Enjoyed many nights out there and was saddened to see the Bog Inn demolished last time was there. So the pic in the article is outdated.

    The writers passion for his home town comes through clearly but have always felt Derry is a lost soul trying to find its way.

    Recently lost one of its best in Jim McLaughlin. RIP

  5. Any chance you lads fancy taking us on yet? We will let you have the tayto thing if it helps.

  6. Same story as London and Dublin. When the main sector is services, there is no reason for companies to go anywhere but where the “educated” office workers are.

    These cities received the benefits of industrialisation while avoiding the very worst of its effects. Now they are benefitting from deindustrialisation too.

  7. MasterpieceNeat7220 on

    Derry would be as ignored in a United Ireland, much the same way Letterkenny is. You’d just be even further from the centre. 150 miles vs 75 miles