Opposition grows in Offaly against Bord na Móna plans for 15-turbine wind farm | Irish Independent
Posted by Prestigious_Talk6652
The final layout for the proposed development consists of 15 turbines with an overall blade tip height of up to 220 metres. FYI the record for the tallest wind turbine is 252 metres.
>“Despite thousands of written objections, despite clear opposition by the local community and despite evidence of the potential for long-term and irreversible archaeological damage, Bord na Móna and its partners SSE Renewables have decided to proceed with this project,” said Deputy Nolan.
On consideration, Bord Na Mona have withdrawn their plans for the turbines, and instead applied for a more culturally sensitive and appropriate thermal plant directly upwind of the village, which will exclusively burn pig shite.
Same type of folk who post up photos of the old power stations from the Midlands.
When there we objectors to a local solar farm, they were doing so on health grounds, right next to the former site of the former largest peat power station in Ireland… which belched smoke down on our town for decades and is likely the reason so many of us have asthma and various cancers.
It’s fucking exhausting, which is ironic.
They will have to just go and fuck themselves same as everyone else had to.
Its exhausting reading about objections to everything in this country
Drove through one of the big wind farms in offaly for the first time today and I was very impressed.
They look spectacular in my opinion and contrasting it with one of the old peat burning plants that were once surrounded by stripped bog just bare brown with no life I was just thinking about how much of a massive improvement the wind farm is. How they are making use of the bog land in way that allows it be contuine as a live growing bog with all the wildlife and yet supply us with a essential resource at the same time.
All of the arguments against them made in this article ring hollow to me.
That independent TD is displaying a massive amount of ignorance on how windfarms or indeed any civil engineering projects are constructed, especially with regards to archaeology. I’ve worked on windfarms in offaly, and I mean building them, and the hoops we had to jump through for archaeology in bog less than a metre deep was excessive.
Ireland is at the very bottom for renewable energy share in EU.
They’re certainly not getting Bored of Moanin’ in Offaly!
Protect the bog by not using it as a bog.
Have turbines near enough to me and my house overlooks some on another site. I have absolutely no issue with them.
Some of the objectors to a wind farm near where I grew up are local landowners that missed out on the land lease contract for the site. It was either they got greedy and decided to up their demands and the developer moved elsewhere, or they had the usual heads approach gullible locals agitating about the wind farm. There’s some money behind these anti groups.
No surprise that Carol Nolan is involved in this “campaign.”
Better make it 30 turbines then.
Stop 3rd party appeals like most other countries in Europe
Seems like people protest anything and everything these days.
Once again, I need to point out half these people will be dead by the time the projects finished.
I’m not sure about turbines in bogs anymore. I used to be in favour of them, but now I would much prefer to see the bogs rewetted and rewilded, with proper management plans in place, with (some) access to the public, and without the thousands of tonnes of concrete being poured into them to build the turbines, that will remain if they are ever removed.
Bord na móna have lost their main revenue stream, and are trying to make money from their massive land holdings whatever way they can, but I’m not convinced this is for the greater good.
For the record I cannot stand the majority of the clowns who are against them because of “shadow flicker” or some other made up shite.
Science has shown that the venn diagram between aul lads/wans who want to “protect” bogs from wind turbines vs aul lads/wans who think it’s terrible they can’t strip every square inch of it to burn mostly so they’ll have something to look at resembles an extremely bony arse.