1. In fairness to Boxer, he did some great work during his last stint in office.

    But seriously Kevin, on this one, cop on.

  2. Consistent-Daikon876 on

    Used to work sorting out empties in a bar, always got wasps from late July to September. Easiest solution is to take some jam in a glass and put it nearby they’re more attracted to that. I never got stung tbh but it’s annoying asf.

  3. Was using one yesterday in Lidl and it absolutely stank of stale beer, gave me flashbacks of working in a pub emptying the drip tray. I wonder if they are difficult to clean. I’d say they machines will be in some state and have to be replaced in a year or two.

  4. BananaHammock1757 on

    >”I know it’s only for a month, or a month and a half, that the wasps are around, but I’m going to write to the company about it.”

    Hi you’re through to The Irish Wasp company, how can I direct your call.

  5. just give your bottles and cans a goddamn rinse, people. Recycling stuff in Ireland is painful enough as it is, we don’t need to be making this worse.

  6. Can’t believe he got elected back to the council after how ratty he was over not being reelected as a TD. Nice guy and all but being a minister really showed his limits and he was punished for it imo. Highlighting issues like this also really show he learned nothing from his experience on the national stage to address important problems.

  7. I apologize, everyone. I initially thought it meant white Anglo-Saxon Protestants and that raised my eyebrow because of other goings on. I bet this has never been said before in history – but for everyone’s sake, I’m kind of relieved it’s actual wasps.

  8. August is when wasps are at their worst.

    They get kicked out of the hive and are effectively left to die in the wild.

  9. stevewithcats on

    Wasps and beer smells . Poor creatures, just dump in your local ditch sure or burn em.

  10. I said this before and I’ll say it again. I find it hilarious how recycling machines is such a controversial topic here while plenty of other EU countries have had this system in place for years.

  11. Charming-Potato4804 on

    White Anglo Saxon Protestants are putting people off the recycling!

    Well I never!

  12. He or she’s not wrong I went to the bottle bank the other day and the wasps would eat you and probably mug you to if you had any money on you luckily I didn’t.

  13. > Athlone councillor and taxi driver Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran

    … and former TD/minister of state.

    With this kind of scutter the “former” bit is not surprising

  14. Gadget-NewRoss on

    My 10 yr old has gone from loving the return process to hating it in the space of 5 months. With people returning a months worth or more at a time, to them just not working as they are full