The case becomes diplomatic and international, Russia has summoned the Italian ambassador to Moscow, Cecilia Piccioni, to protest the entry "illegal" Italian journalists from RAI in the Kursk region to cover the attack by Ukrainian forces. This was reported by Tass at the end of a day that began with the news of the intention of the Russian Interior Ministry to initiate criminal proceedings against Italian journalists who made a report from the Kursk region

the two journalists would now be at risk "a criminal case under Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on illegal crossing of the state border".

Fnsi and Usigrai reiterated in a joint note that "Information is not provided with preventive authorizations". And then "Journalists from all over the world have always asked for guarantees of access to conflict zones, in Ukraine as in Gaza and in every war zone, where the need to know what is happening is more urgent.".

But I don’t know how Russia can complain that they crossed the border illegally when they did exactly the same in Ukraine and to start a war. Plus Putin always said that “Ukraine is part of Russia”, so what borders?

Come on, seriously, they did a great job and went embedded with the Ukrainian army that controls those territories, they didn’t go in secret.

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. Immediate_Cupcake962 on

    Solita propaganda per far indignare i filorussi italiani, smettiamola di parlarne

  2. Rispondiamogli che 30 brigate russe hanno oltrepassato illegalmente il confine ucraino 

  3. Non vedo l’ora che Putin annunci l’Operazione Speciale(TM) per denazificare gli studi RAI

  4. Boh la Russia non ha dichiarato la guerra all’Ukraina. Sti giornalisti forse han seguito dei militari Ukraini in un operazione speciale, e non penso abbiano neanche visto la dogana tra russia e ukraina…
    Penso si siano solo confusi, capita.

    Pero’ La Russa a leccar il culo ai Russi e’ proprio noioso.


    Alla fine della prima parte /s

  5. OminoSentenzioso on

    Se la Russia volesse realmente far finire gli ingressi “illegali” in Russia, basterebbe lasciare l’Ucraina da sola

  6. Legitimate_Age_5824 on

    >come fa la Russia a lamentarsi che hanno passato illegalmente il confine quando loro hanno fatto esattamente lo stesso

    Til the la Russia è ipocrita. Non l’avrei mai detto…

  7. SquareNecessary5767 on

    Invece oltrepassare il confine ucraino, afghano, georgiano, e moldavo era totalmente legale, certo mio caro orso russo.