FBI Raids Home Of Russian-American Political Analyst Dmitri Simes



  1. minkey-on-the-loose on

    This is after Smith delivered some papers to a judge in the January 6 trial. I wonder if they are related.

  2. “Simes’s name was mentioned more than 100 times in a 2019 report by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller entitled Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.”

  3. Less_Tension_1168 on

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they found secret documents that Trump once held? That’s where the smoking gun will be let’s find the people that Trump has sold these documents to.

  4. First Scott Ritter, now Simes. Someone got a big break in a case. There is going to be a crazy story coming out soon.

  5. OilCanBoyd426 on

    Why was this scumbag not sent back to Russia? Assume the FBI was surveilling him this whole time guess that’s over now.