Unearthed Photo Shows Teen JD Vance Posing in Bathroom With Three Girls at Urinals



  1. If he is the one that passed vetting, how ungawdly bad were the other potential VPs?

  2. “These women are psychotic; they care more about challenging gender norms in a bathroom than preparing to incubate the next generation of Americans as is their purpose in a functional society”

  3. cowardpasserby on

    I gotta say that this is just kid shenanigans. Lord help me if my photos show up when im running for VP

  4. It looks like typical high school shenanigans, BUT it’s a guy who’s known to be weird about women.

  5. accountabilitycounts on

    Ordinarily, I would not judge a candidate for stupid shit he did as a teen, but this is part of a weird pattern with this guy.

  6. “Is there anything in your past life that can resurface if you get the VP nomination, senator Vance?”

    “No, nothing weird.”

  7. Every week it feels like we are going to get a “picture of Vance that wouldn’t be all that weird and easily explainable, but looks massively hypocritical because of the shift in cultural politics of the American right, forcing their terrible gender politics back into the forefront.”

  8. cultfourtyfive on

    I asked in the pinned thread what new JD Vance nonsense would drop today and…here we are. Every damn day.

    (This is pretty lame compared to yesterday’s post-menopausal female comment)

  9. JD is a weird scumbag, and this is a weird photo, and there are plenty of reasons to condemn him, but THANK JEEBUS cell phones with cameras and social media did not exist when I was a teenager. I feel bad for kids these days. All of their dumb teenage shenanigans will be immortalized forever.

    Edit: Just to clarify the “weird” part of the photo to me was a person taking a pic in what appears to be a school or public restroom. I care zero about the gender implications, kids goofing off, etc.

  10. I love millennials getting to positions of power now.

    We have records of EVERYTHING dumb we did as kids. The internet is forever.

  11. Acrobatic_Middle3296 on

    A teenager doing this is nothing noteworthy. While I think JD Vance is creepy, I don’t think this particular picture is worth talking about.

  12. Ill-Vermicelli-1684 on

    We’re going to see so much more of these types of photos as Millennials become leaders.

  13. Vance is proving in real time what we all said about millennials never being able to run for office because of what was posted on the internet

  14. lol! gotta love the whataboutism from the trump campaign:

    >“Kamala Harris created inflation that’s crushing American families, caused a historic crisis at our southern border, and allowed deadly fentanyl to flood into communities across our country, and this is what the media is worried about,” a spokesperson for Vance told The Daily Beast in a statement when asked about the photo.

    harris didn’t *create* inflation – it’s a worldwide problem. the “crisis” at the southern border and influx of fentanyl is caused by r’s in congress who refused to pass the senate *bipartisan* bill to fix both issues because trump didn’t want it passed.

  15. What’s funny is this pic should be a giant nothing-burger, except he’s a giant weird hypocrite.

  16. Look, the shit that’s been unearthed is fine. He’s my brothers age and not that much older than me. That happened in high school.

    But the very fact that he’s campaigning for this Gilead hellscape is what makes shit like this fair game.

    It’s really hard to have the worldview he has and also embrace societal norms.

  17. ThirdSunRising on

    I hate to call JD Vance normal but this photo is a pretty normal high school hijinx photo

  18. It sucks we have to use these photos against this man because they are harmless.

    He asked for it though with his shameful rhetoric and actions

  19. Surlaterrasse on

    Now that millennials (and soon Gen Z) are starting to hold political office, more stories and controversial images like this are going to prop up. Eventually some congress persons nudes from college are going to be leaked.

  20. Honestly, this just looks like a teenager with some game friends and a sense of humour.

    Let’s focus on what he morphed into, the type of dude who now considers these same girls as breeding stock and child-rearing engines.