If you take the time to go through each auction, you’ll notice a pattern: almost every single one has two bidders driving the price up rapidly in a short period. It’s like clockwork—these two people keep bidding against each other, pushing the price higher and higher. What’s strange is that, after all that aggressive bidding, neither of them actually ends up winning the auction, even if the final price is just 20 CHF more than where they stopped.
This behavior seems suspicious, almost as if it’s orchestrated. It doesn’t make sense why someone would keep bidding just to stop before winning, especially after they’ve already inflated the price significantly
Posted by EntryAccomplished120
I hope you’re right. Great source of voluntary taxes.
It’s very simple: they’ve both put a maximum bid, and increased the maximum during the auction. Ricardo works the same way.
I will not make a joke about people bidding to have AG plates.
Looks normal when you have automatic bids with hidden limits.
I would say Dsher first entered 500 as a limit. Rollisilver then tried to find this limit. Dsher won the bids, as they had entered the higher limit. Then Rollisilver at CHF 500 entered themselves a higher limit of CHF 1660 which was unsuccessfully tried by Museukay which lost interest at CHF 1620, leaving Rollisilver as the highest bidder, Then finally came Zaric which has entered a limit of more than CHF 1660 and is thus currently the highest bidder.
See: [https://www.auktion-ag.ch/de/agb](https://www.auktion-ag.ch/de/agb)
Who in their right mind would want AG plates? If I had to live their I’d risk a tax evasion lawsuit (or whatever you get for doing that) by getting the car registered in a friends address in ZH.