Welcome! I hope it’s ok to post this here.
My mother was a co-worker with a couple from Buzau, both of whom died recently in a car accident (news here: ANIMATION. Two more crosses on "The Road of Death". The mistakes that led to the death of a couple on E85 | Observatornews.ro).
They owned 2 cats. The parents of the couple do not want the cats, they told the owner of the apartment (where the couple stayed) to leave them on the street. And from this mess they somehow got to us. My mother already has 5 cats, my friend and I have 4 and we have no way to keep them. They can be transported to Bucharest (that is, let us bring them by car). They are gentle, but scary. They are sterilized.
Cats here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I really hope we can find them a house or a shelter ok, they are about all that the couple left behind, even though it sounds dramatic.
Cunoasteti asociatii de animale in Bucuresti sau prin jur care sa aiba loc pentru 2 pisici?
byu/thecbeginner inRomania
Posted by thecbeginner
Prietenii cuplului nu pot ajuta? Pisicile de casa nu supraviețuiesc afara, niciodata. Părinții sunt niste oameni de tot rahatul sa sugereze sa fie lăsate pe strada când este evident că au fost iubite de cei 2 tineri care au murit.. macar atât puteau face in memoria lor, sa le păstreze.
Fa o postare pe Facebook cu pisicile și povestea lor. Pune și vârstă, sexul pisicilor in postare. Pune prietenii și colegii cuplului sa dea share. Există asociații pe fb de protecție animale, multicele, roagă i și le ei sa dea share.
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Incearca Asociatia Bagheera & Jacques. Nu stiu daca au loc, dar poti intreba.