Hello everybody,

I would like to ask a question concerning a parking ticket I received while standing next and infront of the pole in the image.

I received the ticket at 8:35 so the time is out of question. Could it be that I wasn’t allowed to stand in front of the pole? If, then the sidewalk was very misleading as it looked like made for parking.


Posted by Hxtrax


  1. Maybe_I_Am_Wrong on

    What do you mean with in front of the sign? You are only allowed to park after the sign, i.e. you should not be able to read the sign once you park

  2. So you parked in front of the sign? I think that was the mistake. It is possible this was allowed, but there could have been different rules applicable. My understanding is, that unless there are additional signage indicating otherwise, the sign indicates the start of the area where it applies so these rules would apply beyond the sign, not before.

  3. sleepy_orchid on

    My guess is you parked too close to the intersection. But the reason is stated on the ticket.

  4. thisispannkaka on

    I believe you did not park on the right side of the sign. The ticket should say what you did “wrong”.

  5. The signs indicate what rules apply after (behind) the pole. They do not say anything about what rules apply in front of the pole.

    Parking on a sidewalk is not allowed unless there are signs or markings saying otherwise.

  6. Parking rules start after the sign. Both your set of wheels must be inside the parking zone, thats what they will measure.

  7. Yeah if you parked in front of the sign, thats a ticket.

    There is usually a vertical arrow on the sign indicating that you can park up to the sign. Only then you can park in front of the sign.

    Also 10m distance between the car and nearest pedestrian crossing and or intersection.

  8. [https://www.google.com/maps/@60.6792396,17.1401986,3a,36.7y,6.88h,80.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scIhgCIDGE5JMhuMgUc_bGQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@60.6792396,17.1401986,3a,36.7y,6.88h,80.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scIhgCIDGE5JMhuMgUc_bGQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)

    Parked outside designated parking area.
    Stopped in a non-stopping zone.
    Parked to close to zebra crossing.
    Possibly parked to close to intersection.

  9. lordofming-rises on

    I hate the thousand of parking rules in Sweden. Like getting a ticket because you are not perfectly parkering at a specific angle when there is no making on the ground.

    I think everyone hate the people giving fines.

  10. Even if others have correctly answered that OP parking in front of or next to the sign will always be an issue (the sign applies after the sign), I do have to agree that some of these parking rules are absolutely ridiculous. This signage is a good example of stacking them in a manner that makes it near impossible to understand.

    If I will try to decipher it from up to down:

    1. Parking fee applies 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, and 09:00-15:00 on Saturdays.
    2. You have to use white parking tickets (I assume the parking machine or app allows a selection).
    3. There may be special terms for residents of BNV (I assume this is company a or bostadsrättsförening).
    4. Now we have the sign I despise. No parking on the side of the road with even address numbers on even dates, and no parking on uneven address numbers on uneven dates. For example 4 Strandvägen cannot be used on the 6th of May, but you can park on the opposite side until the 7th of May. This applies midnight (00:00) to 08:00 all days, but only between the 1st of October to the 15th of May. *What throws people off with this is that it applies after midnight, so if you park there at 23:00 on the 5th you have to make sure you park on an UNEVEN number if you intend to stay overnight.* Because after midnight it is the 6th and you are not allowed to park on even side on an even date. It is a lot to unpack in a single sign.
    5. Not a parking sign, but the sign had been put up faulty by the local municipality (kommun). It is a sign for huvudled (main street) which means that all other streets will need to yield for you, but also that parking is forbidden. The reason this sign is faulty is because you are supposed to read them top to bottom, meaning lower down signs overrule/make an exception to the one before it. The correct use would be to have the huvudled sign first, as the parking is an exception to the main rule that no parking is allowed. The huvudled sign now technically contradicts the sign showing that parking is allowed. **Technically no parking is allowed on this street at all.** The parking sign usage is apparently so confusing not even those who make the signs know how to correctly use them.

  11. Man behöver 3 vektor “crash course” för att kunna förstÃ¥ och hantera parkeringen!

  12. Rules apply after the sign unless it has an additional arrow sign which tells you that he rulesapply before and after the sign aswell.

  13. Det var det jävligaste så jag försöker tolka:

    Parkering tillåten med avgift 9-18 vardagar, 9-15 lördagar, vit biljett och boende har egen.

    Datumparkering 0-8, 1 oktober Р15 maj. Troligtvis p̴ grund av plogning.


  14. i_am_not_so_unique on

    There are nuances we can’t see that caused the ticket.  Maybe there was a low curb exit in front of the sign.  Also priority road sign implies that parking is only possible in designated places, if I am not mistaken.Â