Little hard to tell smokescreen vs hit-but-no-damage vs good-hit on some of these, so I appreciate the series of burned-out hulls at the end.
May Russia try many more times to cross open fields in single file.
SuperKillo on
Is not even funny anymore seeing this mf being ripped appart. Fuck you Putin.
Uner34 on
Is there any footage at all of these large armored columns NOT getting fucked
megaThan0S on
US send a lot of those remote mines
Hotrico on
Artarious on
They’re probably under alot of pressure to make some real gains to quite down the cluster they have going on in Kursk. Guess it’s not going well.
Olewhitebeard on
Starting to remind me of Animal House. russians attack. Whack! Thank you Sir, may I have another? russians attack again. Whack!
Falkenmond79 on
I don’t get videos like this. We are calling this a „large armored assault“ now. All I see are ten lonely vehicles getting shredded. Which is all well and good.
What I don’t understand; why do they do things that piecemeal? I mean, they are already using WW1 tactics at worst and ww2 at best. Why do we never see an assault of like 20 tanks and supporting infantry all at once? Are they not happening, or are we just not seeing them?
Little hard to tell smokescreen vs hit-but-no-damage vs good-hit on some of these, so I appreciate the series of burned-out hulls at the end.
May Russia try many more times to cross open fields in single file.
Is not even funny anymore seeing this mf being ripped appart. Fuck you Putin.
Is there any footage at all of these large armored columns NOT getting fucked
US send a lot of those remote mines
They’re probably under alot of pressure to make some real gains to quite down the cluster they have going on in Kursk. Guess it’s not going well.
Starting to remind me of Animal House. russians attack. Whack! Thank you Sir, may I have another? russians attack again. Whack!
I don’t get videos like this. We are calling this a „large armored assault“ now. All I see are ten lonely vehicles getting shredded. Which is all well and good.
What I don’t understand; why do they do things that piecemeal? I mean, they are already using WW1 tactics at worst and ww2 at best. Why do we never see an assault of like 20 tanks and supporting infantry all at once? Are they not happening, or are we just not seeing them?