Item: "Summer tourism decline in Italy: hopes in last minute bookings"


Despite the very preliminary data, the associations of the sector have registered a drop in the presence of Italians already in the first part of the summer, especially in the center-south, with drops of 20% in Naples, 25% in Sicily and 30/40% in Stromboli. A little better in Liguria (even if they register drops of 5/6%)

The first drops were recorded in July, then in August, when Italian tourists in particular dropped out, partly because they were hit by the long wave of inflation and partly because they were frightened by a fiery climate. In some cases, the arrival of a greater number of foreigners has eased the situation, but has not been able to compensate for the losses. Confindustria Alberghi speaks of a decline: «There are fewer Italians – they confirm – In some destinations, international travellers who are present throughout the year compensate. Here, that deseasonalization that we have always dreamed of is coming and this also helps to alleviate the strong tourist pressure of the past year. The Italians have decreased because they can spend less and also because prices have increased». Domestic tourism is down 1%: the middle class is suffering, reducing their holiday stay, changing the period and sometimes giving up, according to Federturismo (Confindustria). «But – they warn – we are waiting for the last minute».

Turismo estivo degli italiani in calo: il caro prezzi taglia le vacanze degli italiani, in calo le presenze dopo il boom del 2023
byu/giuliomagnifico initaly

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. Ho letto che i voli aerei, almeno quelli low cost, stanno già abbassando le tariffe per alcune tratte e date. Spero nella deflazione turistica.

    Anche se difficilmente viaggio in alta stagione, quindi forse non ne beneficerei troppo.

  2. Se i prezzi ormai si conformano al turista europeo e non a quello italiano andrà sempre peggio.

    Detto questo, ho imparato ad apprezzare luoghi più vicino casa e qualcosa di più “lento” che per ora non sono stati presi d’assalto.

  3. Proprio in questi giorni nella mia città notavo un numero molto maggiore di persone rispetto ai ferragosti passati