Romania takes revenge in the “battle” on the supermarket shelves: it exports melons to Poland, in response to the invasion of apples. Carrefour Romania: “Approximately 60 tons of melons go to Poland every week. We are considering expanding the export to cherry tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes.”

Posted by enigbert


  1. Pe scurt – cand devenim si noi profi, ca furnizori stabili si consecventi, se poate. Polonezii au 10 ani avans, dar trebuie recuperat.

    Cu clasa noastra politica insa vom face permanent 2 pasi inainte si unul inapoi.

  2. Apprehensive_Rip2017 on

    Serios, pepeni? Am luat zeci de pepeni, am aruncat tot ce am cumparat. Ori nefacuti ori petrecuti. Am ramas tot la mere.

  3. MotherCriticism2789 on

    Dabuleni: “nu stim ce sa facem cu pepenii! O sa ii arucam in Dunare si emigram in Gernanika!”