I’m a Conservative Mom of 6. Why Are the Democrats So Much Better on Family Policy? | Opinion



  1. Because every policy the Republicans have ever done is designed to benefit rich people and corporations. Their propaganda is so good they have made people think otherwise.

  2. kingoffortlauderdale on

    Because saying that men should be like a serial rapist who grabs women by the p*ssy is not a family value. If women love their children they will not support Donald Trump.

  3. One word: empathy. The Republican party has always lacked it, but MAGA is 100% completely devoid of it.

  4. Conservatives care about your children only for their potential as capitalist cannon-fodder.

  5. Because the Democrats care about every person in the country (maybe in the world). They care about you, and your kids (who are people too)- whether or not you voted for them. The GOP cares about “people” who pay them to care- and they managed to get corporations declared to be “people”.

  6. itsatumbleweed on

    Because Democrats are the party of personal freedom and individual liberties. Republicans are for the freedom to live within a pre-approved template.

  7. Tom_Petty_Rulz on

    Well, democrats are not trying to make daughters second hand citizens like republicans. Seems like a good enough reason to vote blue to me. 

  8. Democrats policies are about enabling *quality* families. Kids you can afford, in schools that educate *actual* lessons (not creationist bs), etc.

    Republican policies are about enabling *quantity* families. More kids, full stop. Doesn’t matter if they’re well supported or not.

  9. I think it’s helpful to ask people like the author what makes them conservative. Often, they’ll state values that actually exist in the Democratic Party, and that Republicans lie about having.

  10. I wish one of these dumbasses would point out the negative effects that masks had on children, because mine are absolutely fine, all of my friends’ and neighbors’ kids are fine and I haven’t seen anything to convince me that there were any negative effects.

  11. Acrobatic_Middle3296 on

    Republicans are not the pro-family party. They pretend to be. Take a look at Donald Trump. Is he pro family with 3 wives and multiple affairs (and sexual assaults too). Is Lauren Boebert pro family? She skipped her son’s criminal court hearing to go and make noise outside Trump’s court. Republican congresspersons are not pro family. Just take a look at the legislation they pass and the one’s they block.

    Republicans today care about power and only power. They see Trump as their ticket to power so they coalesce around him. The days of reasonable Republicans ended when the MAGA movement rose to power.

  12. Bethany Mandel, the author of this article, is a perfect example of one of conservatism’s defining traits: hypocrisy.

    She really, really, really doesn’t give a shit about any other families benefiting from Democratic positions on family policy. She only cares that HER family benefits. She has no problem at all with the idea of meddling in the decisions of other families, but she expects YOU to leave her family alone.

    So yeah, she’s right that Democrats are better on family policy, but she’s WAY too myopic to understand the reasons why.

  13. Spare_Philosopher893 on

    Because conservatives are weirdos always acting in bad faith and only care about manipulating you to gain power and their weird breeding, racism and control issues/fetishes, whereas democrats think people should be treated like people and care about things like feeding all actual children?

  14. “I’m a sane conservative. Why do so many of my policy preferences line up with mainstream Democrats and not crazy Republicans?”

    Maybe because the modern Democratic Party is centrist instead of liberal, despite whatever boomers are ranting about at bingo this week.

  15. The conservative stance on family policy has always been hereditary privilege: a child inherits the privileges/wealth/credibility or restrictions/debt/scrutiny of their parents, depending on the social/financial status of said parents. Children are property of their parents, as the former are the *sole* responsibility of the latter, not society.

    The liberal stance on family policy is to ameliorate social inequities and protect civil liberties of children. Parents and society both play a part in raising children, thus society provides necessities such as food and education when parents cannot.

    The progressive stance on family policy is one where the sum of all human knowledge, technology, arts, creations, and resources are made available in equity to *every* child born. Children are people, and *all* people — regardless of social standing — deserve necessities such as shelter, food, health care, and education.

    Cons are painting Kamala Harris and Tim Walz (and by extension, Democrats) as “radical progressives”, and here is Bethany Mandel — the woman who wrote a whole book criticizing “wokeness”, yet could not define “woke” — agreeing that Democratic family policy is “so much better”.

  16. Republicans understand that if you can keep people making more babies they cannot afford due to lack of social services and family policies, the children in general grow up uneducated which ensures two things: there is a middle and poor class to do their menial tasks and serve the elite, and they are more malleable and easier to manipulate so they vote against their own self interests, thus perpetuating the cycle

  17. BurnerinoNeighbir on

    Anyone realizing now is an asshole. Truly never realize until it affects them.

  18. Appropriate_Fun10 on

    I’m pretty conservative, but I’m not religious, or racist, I care about verifiable truth, I believe in science, I’m a fan of the Constitution, and I don’t romanticize the past, so I’m a Democrat.

  19. TerrifyinglyAlive on

    >And much as I’d rather not admit it, the Democrats have a much stronger record when it comes to American families.

    They’re not sports teams. You can support whichever party most closely aligns with your actual values even if your neighbours don’t.

    >I’m not one to give credit to the Democratic Party on anything

    Why not?

    >American parents want to know that we have a defender in the White House who will advance those policy goals. Right now, all the recent attempts at pro-family policy can be claimed by the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress.

    Hmmm, maybe you should consider voting for the party that has policies you agree with?

    If you oppose conservative policies, in what sense are you a conservative?

  20. Another conservative suddenly cares about bad policies because they’re finally affected by them. YAWN. Wake me up when they give a shit about someone who is not themselves or their immediate family.

  21. Why is this lady still a conservative when she outright admits that conservatives are terrible, and democrats are trying to help people and doing everything she actually wants?

    And she must realize that the majority of conservatives don’t actually have the same awareness as her or even know enough about policy to realize what she did. They just accept that the GOP is pro-family without skepticism.

  22. >***I’m not one to give credit to the Democratic Party on anything**, but credit where credit is due.*


  23. Throwawaygeekster on

    The Republicans are init for the business not the people. They claim to be for people but are only in it for the money

  24. WardenEdgewise on

    Could it be that “woke” means enlightened, thoughtful, compassionate, moral, reasonable, and being a decent person?

    Could it mean that anti-woke means “I’ve got mine, so fuck you”, “shut up woman, make me a sandwich”, “we don’t want *those kind of people* around here”…?

  25. >I’m a Conservative Mom of 6. Why Are the Democrats So Much Better on Family Policy?

    Because Republicans don’t give a single fuck about you or your or anyone else’s poor or middle class family or life and they never have….

    Hopefully you have some boots to lift yourself up with because the GOP won’t even give you those either