"The Railway Reform Authority was established almost eight years ago and has so far had no less than four presidents with the rank of Secretary of State. No train purchased by ARF is currently running on the Romanian railway network, in commercial service. Since it did not excel in the purchasing department, ARF is now thinking of bringing in rented or leased motor vehicles for rail passenger transport operators. So also at second hand. And who has second-hand cars in Romania? The answer is simple: Gruia Stoica and Călin Mitica. The first has already brought them, and the second takes credit to buy them. "

BREAKING Sorin Grindeanu schimbă legea ARF pentru Călin Mitică și Gruia Stoica

Posted by Tizone


  1. 500.000 Km in bord, nu bate nu troncane. L-a folosit o bunicuta sa mearga pana in orasul vecin sa isi faca cumparaturile.

  2. O sa presupun ca e schema sa salveze CFR de la moarte dupa ce intra in vigoare legea EU cu “liberalizarea transportului feroviar” si despagubiri pentru intarzieri.

    Simt ca ARF ia trenuri si plateste leasing/chirie iar CFR ia de la ARF la 1% din rata/chirie plus ce se mai fura pe drum si tot PSD-ul e fericit, iar calatorii tot in pisat or sa calatoreasca.