DNA sued Niculae Havrileț, former head of ANRE and secretary of state in the Ministry of Economy / He allegedly illegally collected revenues of 1.19 million lei from OMV Petrom, Electrica and Electrica Distribucie
DNA sued Niculae Havrileț, former head of ANRE and secretary of state in the Ministry of Economy / He allegedly illegally collected revenues of 1.19 million lei from OMV Petrom, Electrica and Electrica Distribucie
Mai sa fie, sa se fure? in Romania? Cine ar fi crezut.. sigur e o greseala si o sa se achite sau o sa primeasca cu suspendare
Oh nu,si asta scapa peste 5 ani.
Mai au rost stirile de genul?
fapta nu exista, nu se pot folosi dovezile, interceptarile si nici documentele cu semnatura dansului.