iPhone photo from French country site.. what galaxy am I seeing?



  1. PhillyDillyDee on

    Well you are mostly seeing the milky way but a bunch of those “stars” youre seeing are also galaxies.

  2. The milky way galaxy is the splotchy streak down the left side, and the Andromeda galaxy is about 2/3rds down on the right side.

  3. Let’s be clear: any single star that you can see is in the milky way galaxy.

    The andromeda galaxy is also sometimes visible to the human eye.

  4. LayerProfessional936 on

    Gur own galaxy (milky way), its like a disc and since we’re on it, it appears like a band with a bulb in the center.

  5. Milky Way galaxy big and bright from top to bottom on the left. Messier 31 Andromeda galaxy lower right of center. It’s 2 1/2 million light years away, and actually much larger than our Milky Way.

  6. Late_State_1775 on

    I don’t know a lot about this, but I’m pretty sure you’re seeing the outer ring of our Milky Way Galaxy in this pic.

  7. Where is this taken from if you don’t mind me asking so I can visit a non light polluted area in France