as if the youth isn’t slave waging away in emigration…Rama truly is a scum and a sadist.
Annual-Inspection673 on
ka plot restorante qe kane punesuar te huaj dhe i paguajne mire
superape100 on
These immigrants coming and stealing our jobs /s
ajeje_brazorf1 on
“Pune ka, po s’ka profesioniste”
Inevitable_Singer789 on
Do paguheni pa merak hahahaaha
gate18 on
Expads ini, they aren’t like the emigrant scum, look at them, white and British.
Imagine if 16-year-old Albanians could fly to UK and work in a pub to pay their train fare around the tourist sights. Instead they get into lories and get accused as security of Bri’ish weed – by the brits and the Albanians.
Make them brown and Rama wouldn’t post it
Kupa_me_kapak on
Uno Reverse por duhet të ishin tu bo shpia bari ose tu punu ndërtim
Albanian98 on
Immigrants 🤮 expats 😃
chrisM4rteen on
Nga shtatori i keni te stopi se skane marre rrogen…
as if the youth isn’t slave waging away in emigration…Rama truly is a scum and a sadist.
ka plot restorante qe kane punesuar te huaj dhe i paguajne mire
These immigrants coming and stealing our jobs /s
“Pune ka, po s’ka profesioniste”
Do paguheni pa merak hahahaaha
Expads ini, they aren’t like the emigrant scum, look at them, white and British.
Imagine if 16-year-old Albanians could fly to UK and work in a pub to pay their train fare around the tourist sights. Instead they get into lories and get accused as security of Bri’ish weed – by the brits and the Albanians.
Make them brown and Rama wouldn’t post it
Uno Reverse por duhet të ishin tu bo shpia bari ose tu punu ndërtim
Immigrants 🤮 expats 😃
Nga shtatori i keni te stopi se skane marre rrogen…
Propaganda nivel I lart