90% of taxi driver don’t wear their belt and a lot gave these plugging in so the sensors don’t go off.. even if you’re the best driver in the world you can’t control other morons on the road, don’t get it tbh


Posted by ThisPlaceHurtsMyHead


  1. lots of people dont put their seatbelts on when getting into taxis so the alarm would be rather annoying

    this is perfect so if someone wants to put it, they can, and if they dont wanna , it wont beep.

    if you are a taxi driver, would you rather have the same conversation about the belt with every passenger, or would you just wanna get going asap and get paid.

    I believe you cant and shouldnt make everyone use safety features. at best you can educate them but if they wanna risk injury or death because putting a seatbelt on is too much of a hassle, let them

  2. Taxi drivers are allowed to drive without seatbelts, so they don’t get robbed by pulling the seatbelt to their necks and threatening to strangle them.

  3. Suitable-Decision-26 on

    Yes, but less so than it used to. They are learning. To be honest the clients are kind of to blame. They don’t like belts anyway and since it is not their car, they somehow have decided en masse not to wear belts while in a taxi.

  4. Big-Traffic3723 on

    We die like real men , but mostly annoyed by the sound of the belt, when it is not put on

  5. Pretend_Conflict_236 on

    8 years ago, 2 drugged idiots from my school killed a taxi driver trying to rob him. He was stabbed multiple times and it was believed he got stuck on his seat belt trying to defend himself. After that they past a law that allows taxi drivers to stay without a seat belt. Also there are alot of dumb people who think seat belts are uncomfortable and refuse to put them on.

  6. How do you think we are first in road accident deaths in the EU? Shit like this combined with terrible driving culture and high speeds.

  7. South_Hovercraft8636 on

    when they kill the driving force of a country twice, only a poor quality product remains.

  8. Extraterrestrial0117 on

    He is a dumb ass if you ask me if the seatbelts were useless they won’t put them!

  9. Think_and_game on

    While I’ve seen this a lot in Tunisia where the taxi drivers drive like in GTA or smt, I was kinda surprised when I saw this in Bulgaria. Then again, unless you’re in a super developed country, it’s only natural you have something like this

  10. Fluffy-Sort7924 on

    I’ve noticed that some even fold the back seats and trap the seatbelt behind the seats intentionally. Idk why they don’t allow the back seatbelts. Im really not a fan of tasting my knees at 100 kph.

  11. What is your problem? Next you’re gonna tell us we can’t drive drunk and/or high or that we have to perform maintenance on our cars.

  12. UnitedSandwich5527 on

    For some strange reason some taxis here dont have seatbelts at all. I personally feel very uncomfortable when i dont wear a seatbelt when im in a car.

  13. Taxi drivers are exempt from wearing seat belts. They can wear them if they want to, but they are allowed not to. There were a few accidents where customers would rob drivers and as a commenter mentioned one was killed, it’s easier to protect yourself from strangers if you can escape. The blocker thingy they put in is just so the car doesn’t beep all the time.

  14. Yeah those ppl are called idiots lol. I was once forced by a taxi driver to actually not put my seat belt on…they thought it’d make her car beep again…

  15. My dad once told me that if he got in an accident and was crushed the seatbelt would prevent him from getting out. I asked him wouldn’t he just be thrown out of the car then? His response was “Yeah exactly, i’ll get out of the car, i’m strong enough to withstand that…” so……there’s that balkan mindset. He wears a seatbelt now, this was years ago but yeah that might be it lol they’re strong enough