I think ive come across a rare dutch gold can. I am an avid drinker of dutch gold and never before seen a silver topped can. Me and my father in law were drinking away tonight and were talking about the anomaly when we looked at the back to see an added ingredient of plain caramel. Can any other avid dutch gold fans explain whats going on here? My first thought was a possible northern varient (similar to how the buckfast bottle colour changes when you go up north) but after a bit of research I couldn’t find anywhere you can actually buy dutch gold up north. I know this isnt the “new dutch gold” because every time i buy it its gold-topped, even after these anomaly cans. Hopefully someone in the know can offer more info.


Posted by natolad123


  1. mynosemynose on

    The ABV is different too. I’d say it is Northern stock, the Return logo is on both too, unless the “new” DG is 3.4pc?

  2. Less alcohol, probably different market or the future. Also misread ingredients on the can on the right and thought there was hope in there instead of hops

  3. Straight_Matter_5888 on

    most likely it’s aluminium.

    * A 500ml aluminium can weighs approximately 15 grams.
    * If the can is made of silver, it should weigh about 58.2 grams.
    * The cost of a silver can, based on the current silver price of €0.80 per gram, would be around €46.56.

    If it is silver, then take it to a bullion dealer. DO NOT put it into the Return bins in the shops!

  4. Doctorredacted69 on

    That’s the jackpot can, whoever finds that gets a life time supply of free dutch gold and a tour of the dutch gold factory… They have a river of dutch gold running through the factory or so the rumours go

  5. Super_Sonic_Eire on

    MUP really fucked the cheap beer. Back in my student days in the early 2000s Prazky was my cheap six pack of choice, reckoned it was much better than Dutch Gold. Remember some Fosters as well.

    Dunnes at one stage had good deals on slabs of 5% Carlsberg Export which we went mad on.

    The cans on this thread had to be shrunk and watered down to make them appear cheap. 😥😢

  6. Looks like the silver is a newer batch but man look at that ABV. This stuff used to be a pissheads best mate. The MUP really killed off some of the classics

  7. I’d definitely go for the one on the right, IF I HAD TO. “Hop extract” over “hops” is just a cheap shortcut.

    Damn, I’m kind of happy that I’m at a point in life where I don’t have to reach for those nasty cans and can enjoy any beer I feel like.