It was very interesting that there are quite a few words of Baltic origin in the Finnish language. Here is one of the examples. Maybe you know more?–u3c9YYSški_baltiški_žodžiai_kitose_kalbose/
Posted by Atlegti
Įdomus video. Kažkur skaičiau kad angliškos žodis Wasp kilo nuo leituviško vapsvos pavadinimo
That’s weird because according to litvinists Lithuanian language was invented out of thin air in the XIX century and before that it did not exist. So perkele more likely comes from ancient belarussian (in which the statutes were written) word “kryvich” (founders of Vilna city), a glorious tribe which created GDL and brought science to illiterate Baltic tribes, which then transfered to Finnish people. All this is documented in numerous books and is undisputable.
(It’s sarcasm)