Names and surnames of parents: Vincas Gurkliauskas and Magdalena Karvauskaitė (Gurkliauskienė).
Signatures of witnesses: Brinevičius, V. Kazakevičius.
Names, surnames and place of residence of witnesses: Juozas Brinevičius and Vincas Kazakevičius. Both from Daukšiai village, Gudeliai municipality, Marijampolė district.
This document replaces an extract from the register books destroyed during the war.
I testify to the authenticity of the signatures of the witnesses marked here 29 December 1936y.
That’s a birth certificate of a person born in 1872, in Panosupio village, Lithuania
What part do you need translated?
Lietuvos Respublika
Vilkaviškio vyskupija
Daukšių R. K. parapija
Gimimo liudijimas
Magdalena Gurkliauskaitė gimė 1872 metais Panosupio kaime.
Tėvai: Vincas Gurkliauskas ir Magdalena Karvauskaitė (Gurkliauskienė)
Liudininkai: Vincas Kazakevičius ir Juozas Brinevičius, abu iš Daukšių kaimo, Gudelių valsčiaus, Marijampolės apskrities.
29 d. Gruodžio 1936 m.
Daukšių parapijos klebonas, kunigas V. Baltrušaitis.
*Translation follows*
Lithuanian Republic, Vilkaviškis episcopate, Daukšių parish
Birth Certification
Magdalena Gurkliauskaitė was born in 1872 at village of Panosupio (Google offers name of Panausupys,
Parents: Vincas Gurkliauskas (father) and Magdalena Karvauskaitė (Gurkliauskienė) (mother)
Witnesses: Vincas Kazakevičius and Juozas Brinevičius, both from Daukšių village, Gudelių district, Marijampolės county.
(*not sure about hierarchy of district and county, might be in reverse*)
29 d. Gruodžio 1936.
Daukšių parish priest V. Baltrušaitis
(*Daukšiai is named village, which is quite possible at that time, now its town.*)
Sorry, got too lazy to finish 🙁
Birth certificate
Signed in Daukšiai church.
Name and Surname : Magdalena Gurkliauskaitė
Year of birth: 1872
Birth location: Panausupys village.
Names and surnames of parents: Vincas Gurkliauskas and Magdalena Karvauskaitė (Gurkliauskienė).
Signatures of witnesses: Brinevičius, V. Kazakevičius.
Names, surnames and place of residence of witnesses: Juozas Brinevičius and Vincas Kazakevičius. Both from Daukšiai village, Gudeliai municipality, Marijampolė district.
This document replaces an extract from the register books destroyed during the war.
I testify to the authenticity of the signatures of the witnesses marked here 29 December 1936y.
Daukšiai Parish priest V. Baltrušaitis.
No. 238.