I’m on my third espresso today and it’s not even noon yet, so please bear with me.

I heard from both the Albanian and Macedonian sides that he is a criminal. He killed people, stole elections, his family is unjustifiably very rich, stole money from the state, didn’t release funds for an entire city just because DUI didn’t win there, and threatened people. And those are just the things I can remember now.

What would it take for a brave journalist to start investigating all this? What about the state investigating him quietly? (It would be fun to call the investigation "Lady Marmalade.")

It is obvious that he is an obstacle to improving relations between Albanians and Macedonians.

It would be great if one day, cities with a majority of Macedonians elect an Albanian, not because he is Albanian, but because he is good at his job, and vice versa.

Also note that he cannot be prosecuted for the events of 2001 due to the amnesty. So those calling for action on this, please refrain, as it is pointless and prevents discussions about the real things he can actually be prosecuted for.

Also, please be civil.

Thank you.


Posted by blitzdisease

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