Astronomers have discovered that red dwarf stars can produce stellar flares that carry far-ultraviolet radiation levels much higher than previously believed | The discovery suggests that the intense UV radiation can significantly impact whether planets around red dwarf stars can be habitable.


  1. Red Dwarfs make up a large majority of stars, 60 to 70 percent of all stars I believe. The fact that we keep finding ways in which they seem less and less plausible for native life to get going has huge implications.

    Especially when alot of the other classes including all the giant and exotic types are at least as unwelcoming. Doesn’t leave us with huge numbers of candidates even before thinking of the planets and system configurations.

    The only kind of planet around these types of stars that seem particularly plausible are the under ground ocean ones, and good luck ever actually detecting that on / in exo planets.

  2. hesmistersun on

    Red dwarf, population 4: A slacker, a holographic smeg head, a human-like creature evolved from a cat named Frankenstein, and an android that broke it’s programming.

  3. invent_or_die on

    Perhaps there is life we don’t know of that can survive extreme far-UV. This must be considered.