In a written statement shared by the X account of the Istanbul Bar Association, it was stated that “The amendment that was hastily introduced to the Animals ‘Protection’ Law No. 5199 during a period when the parliament was supposed to be in recess and became law despite all objections and reactions is against the Constitution, international agreements and general principles of law. It was prepared without any concrete data and based on current literature.”
The written statement continues as follows:
“The collection and culling method it envisages does not provide success in population control, as stated by expert veterinarians in the field, citing academic studies. Although it claims to promise a solution to population growth, it does not contain any prohibitive provisions regarding the production, sale and import of animals, which are the largest source of the population. It throws away Law No. 5199, which entered into force in 2004, along with all its gains. It whitewashes municipalities that have not fulfilled their duties for 20 years and charges the animals’ right to life. It has not been accepted in the conscience of the society due to the reasons listed and also because it is against our ancient culture that protects and looks after stray animals. We would like to state that we are aware that even gathering animals in death camp shelters will cause massacre in itself. While it is possible to control the population with solutions that support life and survival, the provisions of the law in question that try to legitimize massacre and cause social polarization are abolished and we respectfully announce to the public that we will continue all necessary legal struggle with great determination until a regulation is made in accordance with scientific data and ethical values by consulting all the components of the issue.”
66 Baro, Meclis'te kabul edilen ve Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanarak yasalaşan Hayvanları Koruma Kanunu’nun, Anayasa, uluslararası sözleşmeler ve hukukun genel ilkelerine aykırı olduğunu belirtti.
byu/Plane_File8536 inTurkey
Posted by Plane_File8536
Nasıl bir rant varsa meclisten tut barolara kadar herkesi zıplattı bu kanun
Tüm dünyada uygulanan ve başarılı olan bir yöntemi niye hala kabul etmiyorlar anlamıyorum. Anca bi köpek götünü kemirince anlarlar
Baba 2023 seçimleri anayasaya aykırı olarak yapıldı bu kadar siklenmedi. Anlıyorum gerçekten
Hangi uluslararası sözleşmeye veya hangi hukuk ilkesine aykırı olduğunu da belirtseymiş keşke 🙂
dumb. dogs can’t be “massacred” or “enslaved” legally. Animals can be culled/euthanized, butchered(for food) or hurt, but not “murdered.” it’s not any different than culling tens of thousands of chickens when there is a flu or just butchering them to eat it.
dogs are not humans, human laws don’t apply to them. No part of the constitution goes against the new law. Turkey is also not part of any international law or stature that forbids culling of animals. Legally speaking, this is just horseshit.
There’s no way to solve the stray dog population without culling because we all know the adoption drives will mostly fail and municipalities can’t keep millions of dogs in shelters. Their numbers first must be lowered for anything else to work.
Bence sokaklardaki çöplerin yönetimi için de ek kanun çıkarılmalı. Çöp konteynırları sahipsiz hayvanların erişemeyeceği şekilde olmalı ve sokağa çöp bırakanlar cezalandırılmalı. Aksi halde kötü şekilde beslenen hayvanlar hasta olup acı çekerek ölüyorlar. İlla besleyecekseniz düzgün yemek ve su verin. Eğer o hayvan beslenemeyecekse ve kimse onu istemiyorsa o zaman sokaklarda acı çekmesine de gerek yok diye düşünüyorum.
Ayrıca sahipsiz hayvanların nüfusun artışının sokağa salınan hayvanlar değil de sokaktaki hayvanların üremesi olduğunu düşünüyorum. O yüzden beslenilen hayvanların sterilize edilmiş olması bence önemli.
Gerçi bir gün bi köpek bi milletvekili veya avukat çocuğunu kemirirse bir anda bu sesler kesilebilir. Güvenlikli sitelerde oturup arabayla gezmek güzel tabi.