What is this giant building in Episkopi?


Posted by mreich93


  1. Hi, everyone!

    I visited Kourion archeological site today and while admiring stunning views of the coast, I turned around and spotted this huge building with high columns and arches on the western part of the Episkopi village. I forgot to take a photo and later I wanted to find some info about it and I can’t find anything. I found it on Google Earth though, but that’s all.

    It’s really interesting, since it really looks majestic in that small village. Can anyone tell anything about it? What is/was it used for?

    Thank you in advance!

  2. TheBaguetteTheorist on

    abandoned hotel i’m guessing

    edit: looks more like an abandoned church

    second edit: looks like abandoned apartments that never broke ground

    third edit: yea i was right it was an abandoned church

  3. Fearless-Inside8254 on

    Is an unfinished Church, they run out of money so the postpone the project.

  4. Medium-Studio9501 on

    Unfinished Christian Orthodox Temple. Stop the works since 2013 after Nikaros banks haircut.

  5. RevolutionaryBee1006 on

    They’ve started to work on it again, recently, actually. But yes, an abandoned construction site of a church is what this is.