Hello everyone. I hope you´re all doing great.
I´m currently writing my masters thesis in Albanology and I put my focus on some societal issues for my thesis. Therefore I decided to write about the contemporary state of religious harmony in Albanian society (in all Albanian speaking countries). The core of my thesis is a quantitative research part which is basically a short survey measuring people´s hearts on some societal questions. If you were born (and ideally raised) in any Albanian speaking country, please feel free to take a few minutes to complete my survey (it is in Albanian and completely anonymous).
You would help me and the cause of Albanology a lot with your answers!
Thank you and faleminderit!
In case some questions seem suggestive or funky to you, this is intended. I will reveal the exact thesis title after the survey is closed. But please answer genuinely!
PS: I barely use reddit and hope posting a survey here is okay. If not, let me know!
Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/kK1UTKY7XjfQH7Ua8
A survey for my masters thesis in Albanology
byu/nrwmigrant inalbania
Posted by nrwmigrant
I don’t think questions about religion qualify as albanology. If you want to make Albanians discomforting you ask these kinds of questions about religions. Sorry 🤷♂️
I’m looking at your survey. I have a few suggestions. Q: Cila eshte feja juaj? There should be an answer for deism/non-denominational. Many Albanians believe in god but don’t follow any particular religion. You should add ” Besoj ne Zot por nuk jam ndjekes i nje feje.” Q: Si ndjeheni kur shqiptarët myslimanë veshin rroba fetare myslimane/të krishtera në publik? – There should one or multiple middle of the road default answers between “ndjehem rehat” and “nuk ndjehem rehat fare”, like “ndjehem disi/paksa jo rehat” and “ndjehem mjaft jo rehat”. ~~Btw both ndihem and ndjehem are acceptable but my preferred form is ndihem.~~ Should be ndihem instead of ndjehem. Your questions “Si do t’i përshkruanit ndërveprimet tuaja me shqiptarët myslimanë/krishterë?” also should have middle of the road answers. Overall i think your questionnaire needs more work, especially on opinions on possible state policy, like lgbt issues, gay marriage, ban on religious symbols in the workplace, separation of church/mosque and state, etc. And how views change based on religious affiliation. Also Reddit users are not representative of the Albanian population. You need a wider, more varied survey pool. These are just a few quick thoughts. It’s your thesis. Work hard, and good luck!
Downvote nga une. Plus ku eshte opsioni “Shqiptaria” tek feja??
Osmanët na detyruan të konvertoheshim në Islam; shqiptarët myslimanë kanë pranuar fenë e pushtuesve të tyre.” Duhet te besh te njejten pyetje dhe per fen tjeter.
Several of your questions are quite problematic and will result in bogus generalizations. I take particular concern with the question comparing Muslim attire with Christian attire.
Muslims may have a particular attire that looks Middle Eastern and consequently garnish more negative responses. Then the question about Christian dress is completely bogus as a cross is a minor ornament, and otherwise, people dress casually.
This will result in the question about Muslims having negative sentiment and those about Christians’ positive sentiment, leading to allusions of discrimination against a particular faith.
You are not comparing apples to apples!
Never seen a survey with so many questions where the answer is ” I don’t care”