Pine processionary caterpillar. If you want to get rid of them, you have to cut down the branches with the nests and destroy them. They are covered in highly irritating hairs so do not touch them.
psavva on
Processionary Caterpillar.
Processionary caterpillars are tiny, barbed hairs cause severe allergic reactions in humans and pets, including skin rashes and respiratory issues, and their feeding on pine and oak tree needles leads to defoliation and weakened trees.
Avoidance and professional nest removal crucial.
fatbunyip on
They are processionary caterpillars. Look similar to martouthkia but martouthkia are on the ground.
Iamalwaysnervous on
Ohh the stories I heard for those things.Supposedly if u wanted sick leave from the army u could rub those on you; Get a nice rash and granted 20 days vacay!?!.Is that a myth btw? Never wanted to Fuk around with.
Looks like caterpillars
Pine processionary caterpillar. If you want to get rid of them, you have to cut down the branches with the nests and destroy them. They are covered in highly irritating hairs so do not touch them.
Processionary Caterpillar.
Processionary caterpillars are tiny, barbed hairs cause severe allergic reactions in humans and pets, including skin rashes and respiratory issues, and their feeding on pine and oak tree needles leads to defoliation and weakened trees.
Avoidance and professional nest removal crucial.
They are processionary caterpillars. Look similar to martouthkia but martouthkia are on the ground.
Ohh the stories I heard for those things.Supposedly if u wanted sick leave from the army u could rub those on you; Get a nice rash and granted 20 days vacay!?!.Is that a myth btw? Never wanted to Fuk around with.