After the Newroz celebrations in the Lice district of Diyarbakır on March 21, 2023, 14-year-old YD was kidnapped by the police in an armored vehicle and tortured, the Lice Criminal Court of First Instance claimed in the indictment prepared against District Police Chief Aykut Oral and police officers İsmail Akkuş, Emre Özcan, Gökhan Bay and Hayrettin Çakmak. "lack of jurisdiction" The court sent the file to the Diyarbakır High Criminal Court on Duty after the indictment prepared against the 5 police officers did not include the crimes of “torture” and “intentional injury”. However, the file was returned to the Criminal Court of First Instance.
According to MA, the court sentenced 5 police officers to 8 years in prison for the crime of “depriving a person of their liberty” at the final hearing held on June 5. The police officers were also given a fine of 4,500 TL for the crime of “causing damage to property”. The reason for the sentence for the police officers who were tried without arrest was explained. The court ruled on the police officers "Deprivation of liberty of a person" Even if he punishes him for his crime, he explains the reason for his decision. "torture" based on the crime.
In the decision, which included YD’s statements, YD stated that the police had arrested him "You will swear at the Kurds, you will swear at Abdullah Öcalan, you will sing the National Anthem, you will memorize the Mehmetçik poem until the morning. If you don’t memorize it, we will find you with the GPS we put on your back and We kill. Also you will not tell anyone that we beat you, you will tell those who ask that you had a fight with your friends, if you tell anyone they will beat you. We kill" The decision pointed out the threats in question and emphasized that other witness statements supported the victim’s statements.
In the decision, it was reminded that some of the defendants went to Diyarbakır after the incident, contrary to their duties, tried to get reports from different hospitals even though they were not sick, and after getting the report, they went to Ankara without informing their superiors and were caught on the way. In the decision, "The date of the crime is March 21, 2023, but the defendant’s statements were taken on March 25, the victim stated that he hit her in the head, eye and back with the butt of the rifle on the day of the incident and that he recorded himself on video, the cell phone of the defendant Aykut Oral could not be found, the defendant, who served as the District Police Chief and took part in many judicial investigations, is against the normal flow of life for the cell phone not to be found during this period and the defendant is believed to have acted to hide the evidence of the crime." statements were given.
Another striking point in the decision was the evaluation of the allegations in the indictment. The decision pointed out that the indictment did not state who beat the victim, "Although it was stated in the indictment that it could not be determined who beat the victim, it is understood that the defendants were in the same vehicle with the victim and that this process lasted approximately 25-30 minutes, as can be seen from the camera recordings, the vehicle was not in constant motion, the defendants’ superiors were also in the vehicle, and that some of the defendants’ acting contrary to the chain of command and acting independently of their superiors’ orders was contrary to the normal flow of life and that the defendants acted in collaboration." statements were given.
In the decision, it was emphasized that there was no negative behavior that would require the use of force and wearing plastic handcuffs when the victim’s age and physical condition were taken into account, and that the victim was punished in a way incompatible with human dignity, beaten with weapons in a vehicle, recorded on video with force and threats, made to say words against her will, and humiliated. It was emphasized that what happened was actions that could cause the victim to suffer physically and especially mentally, "the crime of deprivation of liberty of a qualified person is constituted" was expressed.
The decision noted that the statements of the accused police officers were abstract and contradictory, and that the correspondence between the police officers and their defence statements "It was stated that it was “an action aimed at preparing a joint defense in order to get rid of the crime.”
In the decision that good conduct discount was not applied "(…) the crime was committed with a weapon, by more than one person, by abusing the influence provided by public office, and against a child or a person who is physically or mentally incapable of defending himself/herself, the defendants deny the crime, they do not contribute to the trial, some evidence is attempted to be destroyed, there is more than one qualified situation, the age of the victim, no apology is made to the victim, there is no remorse for the crime they committed, they do not comply with the public office they have undertaken, and our court does not have a positive opinion that they will not commit another crime (…)" statements were given.
A previous news article that reflected more of the statements regarding the incident: Child torture in Lice: Number of arrested police officers rises to 5 (
Source reflected: Police officers tried for ‘torture’ sentenced to ‘deprivation of liberty’ (
Other sources:
The court did not say ‘torture’ but was not convinced either – Evrensel
Lice Asliye Ceza Mahkemesi, 'hürriyetten yoksun bırakma' suçuyla 5 polise 8'er yıl ceza verdi. 'İşkence' kararı vermeyen mahkeme kararın gerekçesini işkence suçundan temellendirdi.
byu/Plane_File8536 inTurkey
Posted by Plane_File8536
14 yaşındaki Y.D’nin 22 Mart’ta savcılığa verdiği ifade de basına yansıdı. Y.D. ifadesinde şunları söyledi: “Zırhlı polis aracı beni kovaladı. Kaçarak bir binaya girdim. Polisler binanın kapısını kırıp içeri girdiler. Beni sürükleyerek ve vurarak, zırhlı araca bindirdiler. Aralarında ‘Işığı kapat, MOBESE kamerasında görünmesin’ dediler. Uzun namlulu silahın dipçiğiyle vücudumun farklı yerlerine vurdular. İki elimden, ellerim yüzümün önünde olacak şekilde boynumdaki puşiyle bağladılar. Artakalan kısmı boynumun arka tarafından bağlayarak sıkıp beni **boğmaya çalıştılar**. ‘Kürtlere, Öcalan’a küfredeceksin. İstiklal Marşını, Mehmetçik şiirini söyle. Şiiri sabaha kadar ezberlemezsen sırtına koyduğumuz GPS ile seni bulur ve **öldürürüz’ dediler**. Bu olaylar 40 dakika sürdü.”
Y.D.’ye [işkence]( eden polislerin ifadesi de ortaya çıktı. Polislerden 4’ü iddiaları kabul etmezken biri ise “Kademeli olarak güç kullandık” dedi. Polislerin çocuğu aldıkları yer noktasındaki çelişkili ifadeleri ise dikkat çekti. Zırhlı araç içerisinde uzun namlulu silah ile mağduru darp edecek herhangi bir hareket kabiliyetinin olmadığını belirten polis amiri A.O., Y.D.’nin, fotoğraf teşhis tutanağında “Kafama, gözüme ve sırtıma tüfeğin dipçiğiyle vuran ve videoya çeken kişi” olarak tespitini, “Beni göstermesi son derece normaldir çünkü ilçenin emniyet amiriyim ve herkes beni tanır” şeklinde savundu. İfadesinde 14 yaşındaki Y.D.’ye yönelik güç kullanıldığını kabul eden polis memuru İ.A. ise “İhbar olunan yere geldiğimizde kalabalık grup dağıldı ve içlerinden birisini olay yerinin hemen yanında bir binanın bahçe duvarının kenarında yakaladık. Kendisi bize karşı direndi, biz de kademeli olarak güç kullandık” dedi.
H.Ç.ise, “Mağdur bizzat Nevruz olaylarının gerçekleştiği alanda ateşin yanında toplumsal olaya katıldığı esnada araca aldık. Araca alma sebebimiz ise içlerinden birini alıp işlem yaparsak olaylar da sonlanır diye düşündük” ifadesini verdi.
Savcılığın tutuklama talebine karşın Lice Sulh Ceza Hâkimliği’nin polis amiri A.O.’yu serbest bırakmasının gerekçesinde ise “Kürt asıllı olduğunu beyan etmesi yine mağdurun beyanlarında geçirdiği gibi şüphelinin Kürtlere küfredilmesine zorlamış olmasının hayatın olağan akışına uygun olmaması” ifadeleri yer aldı.
Kaynak: [Lice’de çocuğa işkence: Tutuklu polis sayısı 5’e yükseldi (](
Nevruz, newroz değil.
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