Pity.They were actually nice and comfortable.What happened ? No spare parts ?
fail87 on
Eggplant farm
weebcarguy on
Why they were not sold to the civilian market as regular cars? This just looks wastefull.
Think-Lunch-4929 on
Why don’t they sell them?
Erekormos on
I always thought these cars would make great mobil markets, coffeeshops and other things like that. Still not late tho, took 1/3 of them in best condition, create mobil retail markets, cannibalise rest and use for spare parts.
dttsalikov on
Prius molested them pretty bad
Evatson on
Никогда не брал баклажан чтоб куда-то добраться. Неоправданно дороже было.
Pity.They were actually nice and comfortable.What happened ? No spare parts ?
Eggplant farm
Why they were not sold to the civilian market as regular cars? This just looks wastefull.
Why don’t they sell them?
I always thought these cars would make great mobil markets, coffeeshops and other things like that. Still not late tho, took 1/3 of them in best condition, create mobil retail markets, cannibalise rest and use for spare parts.
Prius molested them pretty bad
Никогда не брал баклажан чтоб куда-то добраться. Неоправданно дороже было.
“Uzaqgörən siyasət” failed.