During World War II, Velika was a partisan stronghold in the northeast of Montenegro. Precisely because of this, on July 28, 1944, members of the “Prince Eugene” SS division, the “Skenderbeg” mountain SS division, numerous units of the Muslim fascist militia, the Albanian Quisling army, and with the help of Chetniks from Montenegro and Sandžak, carried out in that partisan village, below Čakor, a specially prepared operation. Within just two hours, they brutally killed almost 500 innocent civilians!

Due to cooperation with the partisans, entire families were wiped out. All who found themselves on the path of evil were killed and brutally tortured – children, women and the elderly. With the same cruelty, without mercy and without exception.

And, those are the facts. Undeniable and easily verifiable.


Posted by Key-Asparagus-2461


  1. IcefrogIsDead on

    to selo se nikad vise nije oporavilo.. a da moja baba nije bila pametna i pobjegla na vrijeme, ne bi ni mene bilo

  2. petaKolona1918 on

    Treba da se doda da su bili upozoreni na napad. Muškarci su se sklonili, ostavivši žene i đecu jer “neće valjda njih”. Oni su u naletu poklali šta su našli. Ko se sakrio makar 100m od kuće nije ni bio tražen. Tako mi je rečeno od preživjelih ljudi