Title says it all really. My first assumption was a mini urinal so people don’t piss on the wall?


Posted by Bawlgina


  1. bushmillsNbitches on

    so leafs and tree branches maybee get out instead of getting stuck down the line.

  2. Separates out most leaves and other debris, as well as facilitating easy cleaning.

  3. Fjonkalicious on

    Not this design, but other ones goes under the name ”darth vader” 🙂

  4. Ok-Tension5241 on

    Mini urinal? What the fuck, yes we are barbaric vikings but not that barbaric that we need a urinal every 10meter. 

    Those are grates to prevent 🍃 to going into the sewer system where they can cause blockage.

  5. MaxTheCookie on

    To prevent leaves and other debris to enter the water pipes and the drainage system and also could function as an overflow

  6. Secret underground communication network in case of war. Someone will walk by and pretend to tie their shoelaces but actually, they are sending critical information to the “Internal Kommunikations Egenskaps Arbetarna” Or as you know them “IKEA”