A Ukrainian FPV drone repeatedly whacks a russian ZALA drone with a stick, before eventually disabling the drone’s motor


Posted by TotalSpaceNut


  1. Join the 22nd Skyjousting Brigade, and defend your country today!

    Also, collect intact Russian observation drones to get an accurate picture of recent manufacture methods, chip IDs, etc.

  2. QuevedoDeMalVino on

    I had envisioned a drone with a steel chain hanging from a thread, so that it could engage the chain in the target’s propeller, which would pull violently severing the thread. The chain would wreak havoc with the target’s propeller shape and balance. Cost of projectile, a few chains.

    Then there come the ingenious Ukrainians and do the same with in a more aerodynamic, cheaper, reusable and even environmentally friendlier way.

    I never cease to be amazed at your ingenuity. Slava Ukraine.

  3. Substantial_Tip2015 on

    Why can’t they have short tubes loaded with shotgun buckshot shells in?

    Or a spring loaded tube with a barbed pike in that has fishing line attached on the back with blunt hooks? Or some sort of serrated toothed “mouse trap”/bear trap on the end of the stick that will clamp onto a wing?

    Just random thoughts.