
Please help us conduct market research to learn more about how internal (behavioral patterns, personality traits) and external factors (family, general knowledge) influence our financial behavior. We are in the process of creating psychologically personalized financial behavior promotion software, and we highly value your responses!

You have until 31.01 to answer the questionnaire in order to participate in the Rahva Raamat gift card draw.

Thank you very much! Results can also be shared on reddit.


Psühholoogiline finantsnõustamine
byu/Joh4nnna inEesti

Posted by Joh4nnna


  1. footlong_p2kapikk on

    Väga kena, aga kui vastata on aega kuni 31.01, siis **30.07.2024** loosimine sellega hästi kokku ei lähe. Samuti – kes need “meie” üldse on, kellega peaks oma andmeid jagama? Jälle Pere Sihtkapital?