should be sent to the same place where NKR was sent
Weak-Address-386 on
Should be removed and moved to some kind of museum somewhere else
bulka001 on
for what? I don’t think we need to do this
bosyapanbirisi on
Looks like him lol
NotSamuraiJosh_26 on
What’s with all these uneducated idiotic comments ? The monument is older than the separatist regime.It was built by AzerbaijanSSR.Why would we fucking demolish it ?
[deleted] on
Fdana on
Put it in the Baku war trophy museum
nicat97 on
It was built in 60s with AzSSR’s budget. And has nothing to do with separatism.
lumia920yellow on
I support to keep it, I think it’s wrong to destroy historic monuments.
nnb_az on
Ruslan-Ahad on
It is just nothing, who cares about this stupid monument. Just keep it in its place
Hətta bütövlükdə erməni kimliyinin simvolu kimi qəbul edilir. (This is Azerbaijani version of this Wiki page.)
I think this is a valid reason not to demolish that monument.
I am not an Azerbaijani nor Armenian I’m just giving my opinion.
FengYiLin on
For fucks sake leave the fucking monument alone 🤦
[deleted] on
Fragrant-Wolf8417 on
ControversialQueen on
Maybe we can build a young Azeri woman and men next to them in the same art style? To represent unity and existence of both nations and the complex history of the land. It could become a symbol of hope and peace for feature generations.
derpadodoop on
Let what’s left of Yerevan’s RU peacekeeper friends airlift it to Yerevan as a positive gesture from Azerbaijan. It’s just too ugly to be on such a prominent hill like that. Even if it was made with the AzSSR’s budget the whole project must have been a result of extortion.
CalmEquivalent9302 on
Has to be removed, there should be no signs of Armenians left in Karabakh
CeryanReis on
I have been to this monument and it is folksy cute. It must be preserved.
PistoleroBandito on
Donate it to british museum
jakobenliber on
Cidden iki devlet tek millet bu kadar benzer zihniyet başka türlü mümkün değil
ZD_17 on
I am more passionate about removing Nariman Narimanov.
ucantekmeatanlahmacn on
I think they are bots
devilsnowflakes on
Would be better if it was sent to Armenia because it is disrespectful to destroy a monument like this regardless. But probably they will destroy it or modify it. At the end of the day, it is a symbol of armenians and armenians will use this as a means of justifying that the land belongs to them.
Leamsezadah on
It was erected by Haydar Aliyev
They are the symbols of armenian population of Karabakh. If you want, we can add some Azeri Nənə Baba too for representing Azerbaijani population but never touch the statue. Have some difference from Taliban
It was put there by Heydar Aliyev. We have to remove all Heydar Aliyev statues.
Just a suggestion…
should be sent to the same place where NKR was sent
Should be removed and moved to some kind of museum somewhere else
for what? I don’t think we need to do this
Looks like him lol
What’s with all these uneducated idiotic comments ? The monument is older than the separatist regime.It was built by AzerbaijanSSR.Why would we fucking demolish it ?
Put it in the Baku war trophy museum
It was built in 60s with AzSSR’s budget. And has nothing to do with separatism.
I support to keep it, I think it’s wrong to destroy historic monuments.
It is just nothing, who cares about this stupid monument. Just keep it in its place
Hətta bütövlükdə erməni kimliyinin simvolu kimi qəbul edilir. (This is Azerbaijani version of this Wiki page.)
I think this is a valid reason not to demolish that monument.
I am not an Azerbaijani nor Armenian I’m just giving my opinion.
For fucks sake leave the fucking monument alone 🤦
Maybe we can build a young Azeri woman and men next to them in the same art style? To represent unity and existence of both nations and the complex history of the land. It could become a symbol of hope and peace for feature generations.
Let what’s left of Yerevan’s RU peacekeeper friends airlift it to Yerevan as a positive gesture from Azerbaijan. It’s just too ugly to be on such a prominent hill like that. Even if it was made with the AzSSR’s budget the whole project must have been a result of extortion.
Has to be removed, there should be no signs of Armenians left in Karabakh
I have been to this monument and it is folksy cute. It must be preserved.
Donate it to british museum
Cidden iki devlet tek millet bu kadar benzer zihniyet başka türlü mümkün değil
I am more passionate about removing Nariman Narimanov.
I think they are bots
Would be better if it was sent to Armenia because it is disrespectful to destroy a monument like this regardless. But probably they will destroy it or modify it. At the end of the day, it is a symbol of armenians and armenians will use this as a means of justifying that the land belongs to them.
It was erected by Haydar Aliyev
They are the symbols of armenian population of Karabakh. If you want, we can add some Azeri Nənə Baba too for representing Azerbaijani population but never touch the statue. Have some difference from Taliban