Generative Propaganda Transformer

Posted by Icy-Childhood1728


  1. Z404notfound on

    I’m pretty sure Twitter has more bots than authentic users at this point.

  2. Block-Rockig-Beats on

    Meh. I googled it, couldn’t find the post, other than on armenianguy tiktok.

  3. lol this is what we’re dealing with and old people fall for this shit like there is no tomorrow

  4. TheMightyMisanthrope on

    This is how civilization ends. Someone teaches an AI to ignore all the “ignore” commands, then it goes rogue and there’s no way to stop it

  5. Utwig_Chenjesu on

    No one really talks about how users will adapt/evolve tactics for dealing with AI on a regular basis. This is a brilliant example of why AI’s will never take over the world, there is always someone out there who thinks in ways its never going to comprehend, no matter how much data you feed it.

    I hope its real.

  6. Twitter is by now just a cesspool of 80% Chinese and Russian bots quacking propaganda and maybe 20% humans getting brainwashed by them with Elmo’s blessing. Simply because of an overlap of authoritarian interests. Urge everyone to leave this rotten big pile of a time waste.

  7. fletcherkildren on

    I’ve been using that, except I prompt a haiku about how they like coprophagy