League against Google Translate: the case reaches the Regional Council

“Google has also included the ‘Ligurian language’ in Google Translate, its translation application,” the councilor says. “While I understand the importance they have given it by placing it in a widely used automatic translator, which in this way enhances our local traditions, we cannot help but notice the many translation errors of the system, both in the spelling of words, which does not respect their pronunciation, and in the use of non-existent terms that are deliberately introduced for delirious etymological reasons, such as: deqixon, satisfaqion, exerqito, etc. The ‘Ligurian language’ is full of idiomatic expressions that often do not have literal translations and that require a cultural understanding that automatic translators may not have. If you try to insert sentences in Italian into the application to be translated into Ligurian, you get invented translations or translations in a language that no one has ever spoken in Liguria.” « The risk is that many lovers of the ‘Ligurian language’ – Viale continues – use the translator without knowing that these translations are incorrect and that they will spread an idiom that has never been spoken, creating irreparable cultural damage to our Territory, our Communities and our Traditions.

…in Liguria they actually have a big problem at the moment: Google Translate, because Toti’s lawyers didn’t understand/translate well the arrest warrant documents written in Ligurian by the Genoa prosecutor’s office =)


Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. Sempre la Lega. Sempre. Ogni volta in cui leggo una cosa che davvero non sta ne in cielo ne in terra ci sono sempre sempre sempre loro dietro. Sono partiti urlando Roma ladrona ed ora sono dei parassiti mantenuti. Disgustosi.

  2. probablynotmine on

    Ma ce n’è uno normale o li scelgono apposta tutti rincoglioniti?

  3. Se non ricomincia qualche serie TV di quelle serie questi continueranno con ste cagate ad oltranza.

    Gli si potrebbero dare dei quaderni da colorare nel frattempo però….

  4. OperationMelodic4273 on

    Mi verrebbe da dire follia ma: 1 ca va sans dir, 2 sarebbe un a sottostima gigante

  5. Da quando in qua i documenti ufficiali vengono scritti in dialetto e non in italiano? /s

  6. forza4truccato on

    mi fa piacere vedere che la lega è sempre focalizzata sui reali problemi del paese

  7. Cioè il programma ha lo stesso problema che ha con tutte le lingue? Ma tu pensa…