Let’s go! In a magazine from 1978 I came across this cryptogram that I am starting with the picture below. I tried to solve it but it seems quite difficult. The rules are understood to be that each number has an alphabetic character as its counterpart (a double letter is represented by two numbers).

So far the only word I think is correct is the last one: A geometric term that is also used in the military with the word "fire" from behind. I think it’s the center. If anyone has any other ideas, let me know


Posted by ProfessionalWalrus15


  1. No-Reveal-3329 on

    Përdor RSA

    Public key eshte hash I ‘enverhoxha’, secret key eshte hash I grazes aty në text.

  2. StunningChemistry69 on

    Kjo njihet si [Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher](https://www.dcode.fr/monoalphabetic-substitution) ku nje shkronje e koduar korrespodon me nje shkronje ne tekstin e dekoduar. Nese numrat 1, 2, 3, … do t’i zevendesonim me shkronjat A, B, C, … teksti e koduar do te ishte:

    (4 fjalet pas pikes jane ndihmat ne fund)

    Nese analizojme frekuencen e shkronjave shkronjat me te perdorura jane A (9 here) C, J, D (5 here), G (4 here) dhe L, I, M, B, O (3 here). Sipas [ketij artikulli](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260024524_Frekuencat_e_shperndarjes_se_shkronjave_dhe_grafemave_ne_gjuhen_e_shkruar_shqipe_The_Frequency_Distribution_of_Letters_and_Graphemes_in_Albanian_Written_Texts) shkronjat me te perseritura ne tekstet shqipe jane ë, e, t, nga ku mund te themi se shkronja A (ose numri 1) korrespodon me shkronjen Ë.

    Gjithashtu tek fjala e dyte (tek ndihmat) duke qene se ka 2 numra njesoj (11, **15, 15,** 7, 3, 9) duhet te jete shkronje dyshe (LL ose RR). Nese fjala e fundit eshte QENDËR atehere 9 = R, dhe 15 = L, pra fjala duhet te kete formatin _ L L _ A R.

  3. Legal__Drug_Dealer_ on

    Pas nje kerkimi intensiv nje avion me qellim mbrojtes me del Douglas. Numri i shkronjave eshte njesoj. Sdi me shume xD

  4. Duke u bazuar te termi gjeometrik qe eshte qendër, i bie fjala e parafundit te kete mbaresen ”DNË”. Sme vjen asnje fjale me mbarese te ketille