I was just here and had such a bad time that I have to give a bad review everywhere. I went to this store in Milan just a week ago, it doesn’t even compare to the one in Skopje. In Milan I paid 2.5 euros for a scoop of gelato that was so huge I couldn’t even eat it all, 1.90 euros for a cup of cappuccino and about 6.50 euros for the most delicious waffle with real melted chocolate and a bunch of fresh sweet strawberries. Here I paid 2 euros for the smallest scoop of “gelato” that wasn’t even gelato (false marketing) it was more of a cheap sorbet and tasted very fake and was too bland. It didn’t look “Italian” at all. The cappuccino, of course, was nowhere near as good as the Milanese, and was as much as €2.70! Almost 1 euro more expensive than Milan, how is that possible? And speaking of the waffle, first it was brought to me burnt and the batter itself was not tasty at all, there were only 2-3 CHEAP frozen strawberries (the ones from a bag in a box) that melted on my waffle and made it mushy and tasted disgusting, and ” “melted chocolate” was more like chocolate syrup mixed with milk. And the price was 5.50 euros!!! That’s a lot for our economy. The workers are okay, they just speak bad Macedonian (even though they are from here). All in all it’s terrible here, it’s nothing like the Milan store they claim to be from, only the name is the same. Below I will add pictures of the “same” waffles from Milan (first photo) and Skopje (second waffle).


Posted by Melodic_Attitude8185


  1. Ако ја купиле франшизата, ваљда може да им пишеш на тие од Милано

  2. Ти очигледно немаш други проблеми во животот…

  3. TheDrivingDiva on

    Мислам, си отишол да јадеш у ШитГејт? Очигледно не ти се живее, пошто ако тровање не те скине, следното пукање или поплава, сигурно.

  4. На место ти е фрустрацијата, си лупнал/а пари за чист грабеж. Пиши им директ на Италијанците. И бојкотирај го ШитГејт, ништо нема да ти фали.